Friday, October 26, 2007

LanDsCape~ "SaYuP"

EiD~MubaRAk 2007~'tenAng di SanA'

Allahyarham Abdul Halim@Salleh bin Abdullah
semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat Allah dan Sorga menjadi rumah Barumu....
we Love U, dad...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

::kiDs:: "a ProjEctcHiLd"

'DadDyCoOL,can u build a libRary like this biG at Our hoMe?'....

cLose uP~ 'fiGht fOr TeRritoRy'

while a group of Ants gathered,working for their surviving, there was a caterpillar tried to be their Queen...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Malaysian 1st AngKasaWan

a histoRy: 2121hrs 10/10/2007, 28th Ramadan 1428
whatever people says,no matter what, i'm proud of you....
hope safely back home on 21/10/2007..
May Allah Bless You...