dan itu kali kedua aku bawak depa journey with the Heli, coz last week kami terbang ke umah Achik di KL..ermm..Heli??its only a titlename for my last-ever drive machine i bought...the name of Heli only known among the users and been used in the forum worldwide...
okelah..berbalik pada soal ke penang td..di sana,aku menyambung tabiat aku utk menghabiskan duit beli my new body,EOS Canon 7D.memang murah kt kedai Michael Click n Snap area Komtar tu.sbb dh survey kt KL pon mahal 3,4 rat dr kedai dia.Ori Canon. maka terbang la rm5.3K body only plus another rm260 beli CF 16G Sandisk.protector lcd screen si Mikel tu sedekahjer kt aku..wakakka..thanks fellow.
excited usah cerita.dh lama nk tukar body(walhal 30D ngan 400D still ada x juai lagi).malam tu mengeshoot jerla kojer aku,bwk smpi ke besok.ekekekke..tibai ISO 1600 pon dh pelik aku rasa,sbb yg lama x mcm tu..try fullHD video dia jugak..walawei...masyukk beb.
ermmmm..below are the pixs:

the low lite been tested..speed all were around 3sec-20sec..i'll try max the ISO in my next lowlite test...
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